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Campus Center - Smith College
The Campus Center at Smith has significantly enriched the quality and patterns of community life within the college by providing interior and exterior gathering spaces at the core of the campus. T|G facilitated the resultant social and circulation changes with a redesign of the existing ‘Lawn’, one of the most important open spaces on campus, and with the realignment of the most heavily trafficked pedestrian routes linking housing and academic centers. Both solutions were recommended by T|G’s 1996 Smith College Landscape Master Plan.
The building form also takes its cues from the Olmstedian aesthetic of the Landscape Master Plan: A curvilinear path flows through the building and spills out across the broad terraces and landscaped steps which draw students out onto the lawn. Tighter, more urban spaces are developed at the front of the building, a part of the City’s Historic District.
Smith College
Northampton, MA
AIA NY Merit Award
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